Africa Label Ltd, Developed the bankable Business and Strategic Plan. Sept 207
SONARWA General Insurance Ltd, Britam Rwanda Ltd, Egite Digital and Umuco Mwiza School:Conducted Tax Compliance training for business continuity.June 2017
USAID/ Norwegian People Aid and Interfreit:Facilitated the Monitoring and Evaluation and Advance Excel Training.March 2017 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Umwalimu SACCO and Horizon Group Conducted the Value for Money Strategic Procurement training through International Best Practices.March 2017
Societe Petroliere:Conducted the oil and gas Enterprise Risk Management and the Business Continuity Plan training prior to Drafting the customized Enterprise Risk Management and the Business Continuity Plan: Feb 2017
Clinton foundation/ABC consulting/ World Relief/ GEM/ Horizon construction:
Conducted the Advance Excel Training.Feb 2017
ICPAR:Facilitated ,Empowering Women in Leadership: Stimulating Their Ability, Business & Entrepreneurship Decision Making to women CPAs & Leaders dinner at Lemigo hotel, kigali.November 2016
Agropy Ltd - Horizon Group Subsidiary, Developed the bankable Business and Strategic Plan.Oct 2016
Mibilizi Hospital:-Facilitated the Leadership training and decision making Supported the executive management in retreat to assess the leadership gaps linked to existing Corporate Governance gaps;
Gave recommendations for improvement on the structure, Job descriptions, procedure manuals and reporting templates for timely communication.June 2016
Management Science for Health (MSH):Assessment on District Hospital efficiency, Income Generating Activities and Management Systems; Activity commissioned by the Rwanda Heath Systems Strengthening Activities(RHSA) implemented by the Management Science for Health (MSH)and funded by USAID. April 2016
Royal Express ltd, Developed a bankable Business and Strategic Plan.April 2016
Africa Smart Investment Ltd, Developed the bankable Business and Strategic Plan. Feb 2016
Cordaid Health Investment Fund :Developed the Cordaid Health investment Fund Business Model.Feb 2016
Goshen Ltd:Conducted the Human Resources assessment and reported to the Executive management and the board accordingly.Dec 2015
Amasezeno Community Bank Ltd:Conducted the Enterprise Wide Risk Management training at the BCP Training centers.Dec 2015
The New Forest Company Ltd:Conducted the Market research on sawn timber market and value added products in Rwanda and East African Community region with all the cooperatives involved.June 2015
National University of Rwanda -School of Baking (SFB), Banking and Insurance Department
Taught the following classes: Money and Banking
Risk management and Valuation
Credit Risk Management
Cogebanque - Developed the corporate governance module and made the presentation to the Board Members during the November 2015 retreat on the following:
The role and responsibility of the board and executive management
The board and management committees
Procedures and policies for the functioning of the board ( element of successful and failure of the board)
Succession plan, Business Continuity plan and Code of conduct awareness
Banking laws and regulations awareness
Required training for the board members in the banking sector
Cordaid Netherlands: Execute the Fund Manager’s role and set up the overall Rwanda corporate governance framework, run the pilot project and planned for the roll out phase. June 2014
BUFMAR:Conducted Bufmar due diligence of the target company on behalf of the investors ( Due diligence proposal, Valuation supervision and legal Opinion),May 2014
MobiCash Rwanda Ltd:
The BCP LTD CEO Executed the Managing Director function: Developed Strategic and Business Plans,
Came up with the fundraising proposal and presented the proposal to potential investors such as African Development Bank,DOB,etc. on behalf of MobiCash
Set up of the MobiCash corporate governance structure,
Worked out proposals/Memorandum of Understandings for various partners in Rwanda such as I&M banks, AMIR ,RRA (Rwanda Revenue Authority), SONARWA,MTN and Women for Women,etc.
-Reviewed the Financials and Various Taxes Annual budget: Guided various departments on the annual budget and consolidated them
Reviewed the MobiCash Market entry strategy
Followed up on the MobiCash License at the central Bank Rwanda
Participated in the MobiCash study visit in Burundi and Uganda
Networked for the MobiCash and brought business partners with very wide network such as:
1)AMIR(Rwanda Microfinance Association) with 491 MFIs
2)SONARWA with 28 agents network
3)Women for Women International with more than 300 Village saving loan groups Marketed MobiCash to the following:
1) 20 various international NGOs operating in Rwanda,2) Rwanda Investment group,
3)SONARWA( Generla and Life), 4)BRALIRWA, 5) Women for Women International, 6) Social Heath Investment fund,7) Cordaid, etc. Represented MobiCash in big events and Made Speech/Resentation:
1) The East African Business CEO Summit on Positioning East Africa For Inclusive Prosperity in 2020 and Beyond (17th Sept 2014): made the speech on Mobicash innovative financial platform (Channel) enabling the financial inclusion and Capital flow across the all the layers of East Africa economie using biometric access to transact.
2)The East Micro-finance CEO Network where the Rwanda,Tanzanian,Kenya,Burundi and Sundan microfinance association and CEOs were invited; made the presentation on behalf of MobiCash on the " Microfinance Industry in embracing opportunities presented by the new of MobiCash"
Umuco Mwiza School (School sponsored by Japanese organizations)
– Conducted Financial,Tax and organizational audits: 1) Audited the financial statements, 2)reviewed tax and 3)conducted the organizational review and Prepared fund-able proposal and followed up for grant request to various donors
Cordaid Netherlands: Fund Manager and set up the overall corporate governance framework, run the pilot project and managed the implementation.June 2014
HDP : Consistent input in the Strategic Plan Exercise at Health Development and Performance
Enclude Solution: Developed Duterimbere Microfinance Ltd-Credit Operations and the Assets & Liabilities improvement proposal
BUFMAR: Conducted due Bufmar diligence exercise for the target company on behalf of investors ( Due diligence proposal, Valuation supervision and legal Opinion).May 2014
University of Kigali:Accounting- Technical Assistance, Tax and Internal Audit reviews.May 2014
Outsourced by Savings Banks Foundation for the International Cooperation (SBFIC) - Outsourced to Supervised the risk management training module for micro-finance board members and executive management.Nov 2013
Health-Development and Performance (HDP) - Oct 2013
Finance and Process Review Expert: Outsourced by HDP to conduct the 5th round 2012 review of the performance based financing . The review focused on corporate governance, business plan and processes, budget and finance for various districts, hospitals and health centers in Burundi(Cankuzo, Buhiga, Ngozi , Karusi , Kiremba ,Cibitoke and Mabayi).
Health-Development and Performance (HDP) - Sept 2013
Finance and Process Review Expert: Outsourced by HDP to design the Gikome Health Center financial statements.
Amasezerano Community Banking - August 2013 Outsourced by East and Southern Africa Consult Limited to facilitate the corporate fraud detection and prevention training
Health-Development and Performance (HDP) - July - August 2013
Finance and Process Review Expert: Outsourced by HDP to conduct the 2nd round 2012 review of the performance based financing . The review focused on corporate governance, business plan and processes, budget and finance for various districts, hospitals and health centers in Burundi(Kayanza,Buhiga,Muyinga,Musema)
Société Burundaise de Gestion Aéroportuaire (SOBUGEA) - July 2013
Trained the Managing Director as well as the executive management with regards to Human Resources Management, Effective Internal Communication and Conflict Management.
CEO Past Experience
Business Continuity Plan Ltd - Rwanda Designed and Implemented the Company’s Strategy and web content
Designed and Fixed the overall structure
Access Bank Rwanda Ltd - Rwanda Head Compliance and Internal Controls (reported on Compliance and Risk matters to the board of directors)
Brandeis University - Boston /USA
Teaching Assistant for Corporate Fraud, Risk Management, Corporate Governance and Mergers and Acquisitions classes
Rwandatel - Rwanda
Head Internal Auditor ( Reported on audit related matters and Revenue Assurance)
Cogebank - Rwanda
Head Internal Auditor (reported on Financial and Information Technology Audits)
Major Companies Audited at Deloitte and Touche Nigeria and Rwanda:
African Development Bank Togo:Information Technology Audit report translation from English to French FY 2006
Glomobile Nigeria Ltd- Telecom:Information Technology Audit- Year 2007
First Bank of Nigeria :I.T Audit( General Computers Controls) Year 2007
The Nigerian Stock Exchange:Information Technology Audit( General computers Controls) FY 2007
Elper Oil Engineering Nigeria Ltd:Financial Audit for the FY 2007
Nigeria Port Authority: Business Processes Mapping/ Re-engineering - Year 2007
Deloitte Senegal :Due Diligence - Year 2007
Deloitte Bourkina Fasso: Due Diligence FY 2007
Batelitwin Global Nigeria: Tax Compliance for the FY 2007
IBTC Charted Bank Plc (IBTC) - Year 2006FY 2006 Due diligence and Mergers and Acquisition exercise.
West Africa Telecommunication and Regulators Assembly - Year 2006
Proposal Translation From English to French
Macmillan Nigeria Publishers Ltd:Financial Audit for FY 2006
Warri Refinery and Petrochemical Company Ltd- Nigeria: Tax Computation for the FY 2006
Conoil Plc- Nigeria :Tax compliance for the FY 2006
Royal Trust Assurance Ltd: FY 2006 Due diligence and Mergers and Acquisition exercise.
Globe Reinsurance Plc - Nigeria - Conducted FY 2006 Due diligence and Mergers and Acquisition exercise.
Ecowas Bank for Investment and Development- Togo - Year 2006
Information Technology Audit report and Audit work papers translation
MBC International Bank Ltd:Conducted the FY 2005 Financial Audit
Guaranty Trust Bank: Conducted the FY 2005 & 2006 Quality Audits
Frigoglass Industries Nigeria Ltd :Conducted the FY 2005 Financial Audit
BNL Engineering Construction Nigeria Ltd:Conducted the FY2004Financial Audit
Torno Internazionale Nigeria Ltd:Conducted the Financial Audit for the FY 2004
Nigeria International Growth Fund- Nigeria: Conducted the FY 2004 Financial Audit
Beta Glass Plc- Nigeria:Conducted the FY 2004 Financial Audit
Securities Transactions & Trust Company Limited-Nigeria : Conducted the FY 2004 Financial Audit
Central Bank of Nigeria :Staff Housing Loan Revolving Fund Audit FY 2001-2003
National Program on Immunization-Nigeria :Conducted the FY 2001 & 2002 Financial Audit
BANCOR: Conducted the FY 2002 Financial Audit
Caisse hypothécaire du Rwanda (CHR): Conducted the FY 2002 Financial Audit
Caisse d’Epargne du Rwanda en liquidation (CER):Conducted the FY 2002
Niobium Mining Company (N.M.C) : Conducted the FY 2002 Financial Audit
Hôtel des Mille Collines:Conducted the Financial Audit for audits 2000 & 2001 FY
Sonarwa: Conducted the Year 2000-2002 Financial Audit
Cogebanque :Conducted the Year 2000- 2001 Financial Audit